JE, Asoko Kara Koko Made (From There Until Here)
Ten years of moments, from when Fujigaya and Tsukada entered the Jimusho, until this one. (Fujigaya, Tsukada)
Hey! Say! JUMP, 5 Times Hikaru Told JUMP What They Wanted To Hear
The Your Seed dance is totally beyond them, but Hikaru know better than to actually tell anybody that. (Hikaru/HSJ)
NEWS/One Piece, One Peas
It doesn't seem like there actually are any girl pirates, when Usopp is on watch. (Gen, AU)
26 JE Birthday Kisses, Faster Than You Know
Aiba likes concert days the best. (Aiba/Ohno)
26 JE Birthday Kisses, Beautiful Like a Rainbow
Even Ohno isn't sure what made him start paying attention at exactly the wrong moment. (Ohno/Nino)
JE, Mada Mada Dane
Reon has something he can't quite tell Shoon. (Gen)
Ya-Ya-Yah, Itsumademo
Taiyo and Shoon are getting a little worried about Yabu's mood lately. (Gen)
Prince of Tennis, Psychologial Advantage
Momoshiro's Super Doubles Training Menu Delight~ (Momoshiro/Kaidoh)
Ouran High School Host Club, Sweet Burning (The Chip on Her Shoulder Remix)
Haruhi battles her arch-nemesis: the chocolate chip cookie. (Gen)
Kyou Kara Maou, Enjoy the Ride
Yuuri hates missing everything. (Gen)
Kyou Kara Maou, Royal Dignity
Murata tells Yuuri not to worry about it because he never had any dignity in the first place. (Yuuri/Wolfram)
Supernatural, Flexible Morals
Sam does not want Dean's illicit booty. (Gen)
JE, Group Costume
Pin convince Kame to collaborate. (Gen)
Hikaru no Go, A Great Idea
Shindou's plan is flawless. (Gen)
Hikaru no Go, Touya no Go
Touya Kouyo knows that it's always about go. (Gen)
Prince of Tennis, Loophole
Inui says he'll take care of the problem. (Gen)
Death Note, Appearances
Misa asks a rhetorical question. (Gen)
Ouran High School Host Club, That Kind of Girl
Tamaki doesn't seem to understand the point of Halloween. (Gen)
Death Note, I’m Feeling Lucky
Raito really has to stop this. No, really. Okay, one more time. (Gen)
Prince of Tennis, Tenisu no Boifrendo
Tezuka is sure that his boyfriends are making fun of him, but he can't exactly put his finger on how. (Tezuka/Atobe/Ryoma/Sanada/Fuji)
w-inds., We Can’t Dance
The New Paradise shoot is not going well at all. And Ryohei makes the choreographer cry. (OT3)
Neopets, Sandstorm
doot doot doot doot doot DEET doot doot doot...
Prince of Tennis, Snow Tennis
Well obviously Eiji isn't coming in just because of a little snow.
Neopets, Caring for Eyries
When full-grown, the Eyrie is intelligent, loyal, well-groomed, and helpful. As an adolescent, the Eyrie is scatterbrained, vain, and easily distracted by shiny objects.
Hikaru no Go, This Isn’t the Freaking Heian Era
Touya is so freaking confused.
Kyou Kara Maou, Clear and Present Danger
Yuuri can either give Wolfram a Valentine's Day present or not, and Gwendal's advice is, as usual, priceless.
Harry Potter, What The Combined Forces Of Gryffindor Know About Girls
Ron needs some advice, and nothing good is forthcoming.
Roswell, True Romance
Apparently Maria's birthday was the other day.
Harry Potter, A Boy And His Rat
Over the years, the Marauders had many pets, but Rat was special.
Harry Potter, Full Crow Moon
The moon pulls more than tides.
Harry Potter, Anything For Fashion
Sirius is bored, which is never a good thing for McGonagall's shoes.
Harry Potter, Some Things Never Change
Turns out Percy's been to more Quidditch games than he thought.
Harry Potter, Avoidance Tactics
Remus is avoiding Harry.
Harry Potter, Glitter Me This
Sirius asks for Remus' advice, and it's totally innocent.
Harry Potter, He Who Laughs Last
Some twin confusion.
Harry Potter, A Shocking Protest
Molly tells Arthur to get a new Halloween costume. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Vocal Talent
Harry's got a talent. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Raised By Wolves
Remus's lunch is interrupted by a Quiznos ad. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Damn Muggle Machinery
Dumbledore's interest in the Muggle contraptions ends poorly. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Delayed Notice
Remus gets two halves of the same note. (Remus/Sirius)
Harry Potter, We Figure That Means Yes, Mostly
Ron has a new mail carrier. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Surprise Package
James's owl is surprisingly persistent. (James/Lily)
Harry Potter, Any Port in a Storm
Professor Potter has a few quirks. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Hidden Fears
Somebody's having a go at Sirius. (Remus/Sirius)
Harry Potter, Grasp on Reality
Ron has some scorn for Muggle education. (Gen)
Harry Potter, The Hogwarts Talent Show Gets Worse Every Year
Lucius shows off his talent. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Full Marks
Neville takes his OWLs. (Gen)
Harry Potter, One Last Ride
Cedric says goodbye. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Blank Pages
Ginny hates starting an essay, but not like Colin does. (Gen)
Harry Potter, Ruddy Gender Equality
Ron gets it coming and going. (Gen)
Neopets, A Lenny Fashion Conundrum
Nostradmys is having a crisis of cute. (Gen)
Power Rangers, Typical Day at the Angel Grove Juice Bar
Tommy has something important to say. (Tommy/Kimberly)