Kingdom Hearts, Dream Eater Blues

Title: Dream Eater Blues [Sora/Riku]
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Sora gets too liberal with the Dream Eater paint gun.
AN: Written for Shiritori.

Dream Eater Blues

“My friend, you are gonna get it,” Sora warned, brandishing the blue spray gun. Meow Wow squirmed in Riku’s grip, twisting this way and that. Meow Wow was currently splotched yellow and green, having pounced on a Me Me Bunny that Sora was trying to spruce up for Ventus and rolled all over the poor thing. Then it’d led Sora and Riku on a wild chase through Sora’s dreamscape before Riku had made a lucky tackle. Now all that was left to do was turn Meow Wow back to blue. Sora took aim with the spray gun. “Hold still!”

“Sora, wait— ” Riku tried to protest, but it was too late. Sora’s liberal spray gun aim drenched both Meow Wow and Riku. Riku spluttered. “Sora!”

“Oops, sorry,” Sora laughed. Returned to its former blue glory, Meow Wow broke free of Riku’s grip and shook itself off, splatting Riku with even more blue paint. “I can fix it! I’ll just spray you…uh…” Sora looked at the collection of spray guns at his feet, which were yellow, neon green, and lavender. “So maybe you aren’t any of these particular colors.”

“You think?” Riku asked, standing up and shaking out his arms.

“Well, whatever, it’s only dream paint,” Sora said, holding up his fingers to snap. “It only sticks to—” Sora woke up his bed and turned his head to find a very blue Riku glaring at him. “Oh. Right.”

“I have a class to teach tomorrow!” Riku said in exasperation.

“It’s not that bad!” Sora tried to insist but he was struggling to keep a straight face. “It’s barely noticeable!”

“Barely noticeable?!” Riku demanded, giving Sora’s shoulder a rough shove. “I look like a deflated Darkball!” Sora let out a laugh and then clapped his hand over his mouth. “Oh, is it funny? It’s soooo funny!”

“Wait, no!” Sora shrieked as Riku rolled over onto him, digging fingers into his ribs to tickle mercilessly. “I’m sorry, aahhh, I’m s-sorryyyyy!”

“You are not.” Riku went limp, letting his full weight crush Sora into the mattress. “I’m telling Aqua on you. And Master Yen Sid. And Scrooge McDuck.”

“Oh no, my reputation,” Sora chuckled. He patted Riku’s blue head. “It can’t last as long as the time we sharpied on pirate mustaches. Besides, you look hot in blue.”

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Mousapelli is primarily a multi-fannish fanfiction author. She has written in many, many fandoms ranging from anime to shounen to movies to video games. She can be found on Archive of Our Own and most social media as Mousapelli.
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