Title: Aspirational Komory Bat [Riku, Lea, Komory Bat]
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Komory Bat has larger goals.
AN: Written for Shiritori.
Aspirational Komory Bat
His chest puffed out as big as he could make it, Komory squeeped quickly without letting any air escape.
“Sorry, you’re still not as big as a Zolephant, buddy,” Riku said. “Come on, breathe out or you’re gonna pop like a balloon.”
All the air rushed out of Komory’s mouth with a wheeze, leaving him a little deflated, the force of it flopping him onto his back. Komory gave a few disgruntled squeaks.
“Yes, it’s very unfair,” Riku commiserated, reaching down to pat Komory’s head.
“Why are these things so weird?” Lea demanded, hands on his hips.
“Because they’re made of squished-together fragments of imagination?” Riku stood up, dusting his hands off. “What’s your excuse?”