Title: Wonderland is the Bullshit Option [Riku/Sora]
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Riku and Sora decide what world to visit for Sora’s first trip.
AN: Written for Shiritori, this follows Think Twice, the AU where Sora doesn’t get a keyblade and stays on Destiny Islands while Riku goes out to do Keyblade stuff.
Wonderland is the Bullshit Option
“Him?” Riku glanced over his shoulder, at Goofy showing Sora a map of the nearest rings of worlds. Sora caught Riku looking and gave him a half-smile. Riku smiled back before turning back to Donald and the Gummi ship dashboard. “He’s fine.”
“He’s something, all right,” Donald said.
“Give him a chance,” Riku said. Donald rolled an unimpressed eye up at him. “You two are going to get along so well, you don’t even know. You’re both…sassy.”
“Uh-huh. Maybe I wouldn’t be so sassy,” Donald made air quotes, “if I didn’t waste a whole day coming to pick you up from your middle of nowhere world only to be a third wheel on your date escape!”
“Don’t be silly, you’ve got Goofy!” Riku said, pumping some false cheer into it. “It’s more like a double date.” Donald scowled. “Watch it with that face, I hear this ship runs on smiles.”
Donald had a few choice, unintelligible words to say about that before waving Riku off. “Go ask lover boy where we’re going so I can get this over with. I’m not a chauffeur!”
Laughing to himself, Riku left Donald to it and crossed over to Sora and Goofy. Sora didn’t look especially tense or shy, but as soon as Riku was standing close enough, Sora stepped in to press closer against his side. Riku put a reassuring arm around his waist. “What are we looking at?”
“Goofy was showing me how the map screen works,” Sora said. “You’ve been to so many worlds! But if I touch it, I’ll definitely break it.”
“Naw.” Goofy waved Sora off as he reset the map to center on the Gummi Ship’s current location. “If it were that easy, Riku woulda broken it first thing! This whole ship’s been islander-proofed.”
“Hey!” Riku protested as Sora muffled a giggle.
“I’ll just check on a few things, give you two some alone time…” Goofy gave Riku a showy wink before turning to go cheerfully on his way.
“Oh my god,” Riku muttered, hoping Donald hadn’t heard that. Sora was still laughing, muffled against Riku’s shoulder. “Don’t encourage him! He already likes playing big brother way too much.” Sora grinned up at Riku, shamelessly enjoying himself; something had to be done about that. “I’ll tell him you haven’t had the talk yet.”
“What? No!” Sora gasped, scrunching up his face.
“I had to suffer through it, somebody else should have to,” Riku grumbled. Even Donald would have been better, Riku thought but didn’t dare say out loud, because then half of it wouldn’t have been understandable. “So did you pick a world you want to visit?”
“I mean, I don’t know anything about it,” Sora said, voice returning to that vague, light tone Riku was developing a particular dislike of. “Anything’s different than the Islands, right?”
“No, no, you’re picking,” Riku said firmly. Sora clicked his tongue and Riku ignored it. “But in the interests of helping you narrow it down, I can offer you a few pre-selected choices, catered to your personal interests.”
“All right,” Sora said. “Let’s hear it, if you think you know me so well.”
“First choice,” Riku reached out to tap on the Land of Dragons world icon, “is the Land of Dragons, famous for fireworks, snowy mountains, and traditional dumplings.”
“Hmm,” Sora tilted his head. “What else you got?”
“Thought I’d get you with those dumplings, but ok.” Riku flicked Land of Dragons back down into its place and tapped Twilight Town instead. “Twilight Town is the romantic’s choice, with Sunset Terrace, dinner at Le Grand Bistrot, and a classic movie at a charming outdoor theater or, for the more daring, a visit to a haunted mansion.” Riku gave his voice a spooky waver, like a melodramatic radio ad.
“Fuck off,” Sora laughed, giving Riku a shove. “It’s not really haunted is it? You would never.”
“Local legend says,” Riku said. Sora shook his head, snorting softly. “Ok, ok, you want one more? You want one more.” Another flick minimized Twilight Town, and Riku tapped one more orb. “The weirdo’s choice: Wonderland. Talking flowers, flamingo croquet, one very stoned caterpillar, and drinks that might make you taller than me.”
“Make me what?” Sora burst out laughing.
“For a VERY limited time!” Riku talked over him. “Just a brief window into how awesome it is to be your very tall, very cool boyfriend, but you’re probably not interested in—”
“That one, that one!” Sora interrupted.
“Really?” Riku laughed; he’d honestly just thrown Wonderland in as a bullshit option.
“Yeah, really. I want to see the absolute weirdest stuff you’ve got, prove you aren’t lying about magic and key swords and squishy shadow guys and those…” Sora’s nose scrunched as he tried to remember the word he wanted. “The fuzzy white guys who sell you junk?”
“Moogles,” Riku supplied. “You want to meet a Moogle? Done, those guys are everywhere. Get you a promotional postcard to add to your collection. I can’t believe you’re turning down Le Grand Bistrot for this, you’re a cheap date.”
“That’s me, cheap and easy,” Sora agreed. He stretched up to his toes to kiss Riku’s cheek. “Small town guy, doesn’t take much.”
“Don’t say stuff like that,” Riku scolded, turning to hug Sora properly. “I bet the Bistro can’t make a smoothie half as good as you.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Sora said, letting Riku squeeze him a few seconds longer before wriggling free, glancing over his shoulder at Donald. “But like a total lie, right?”
“Their smoothies are insanely delicious,” Riku admitted. “And their brunch, and their desserts. Everything they make is. The chef’s some kind of reclusive genius, I don’t know.”
“Color me intrigued.” Sora reached up to the map with Wonderland still enlarged. He hesitated with his hand just above the screen for a second before tapping on the waypoint checkbox. “I’ll have something to look forward to for next time.”