Title: Eggcellent Contract Terms [pairing]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for suggested oviposition.
Summary: Ace doubled down on his contract with Azul, but Cater-senpai is here to help.
AN: Written for Shiritori. Set during the TWST story where Ace and Deuce have anemones on their heads.
Eggcellent Contract Terms
“Lies,” Ace sniffed, nose in the air. “Lies and slander.”
“Lies!” Deuce scoffed. He pointed at Ace like a kindergartner tattling on a classmate to his teacher.
“Acey, I think we’re past the fibbing stage,” Cater said, not bothering to hide his smile. He was certainly more amused than Deuce, who could only splutter indignantly at this point.
“Azul wanted to talk about my contract terms, that’s all,” Ace said, hands on his hips. Unfortunately, his annoyed pose only served to emphasize the swell of his belly over his waistband.
“Was one of the terms letting Azul bend you over the desk and fill you with eggs?” Cater asked, crossing his arms.
“Eggs?!” Deuce’s eyes went wide, darting back and forth from Ace’s belly to Cater’s face.
“Well, was it?” Cater pressed.
Ace’s eyes dropped to the floor, face flushing so hard his heart symbol nearly disappeared. “Yes.”
“Yes?!” Deuce demanded. “What do you mean, yes?!”
“Stop repeating everything!” Ace snapped. “I mean yes! He said he’d let me off my contract if I babysat just a few dumb little eggs for a week and I said yes!”
“Mmhmm,” Cater said, his lack of surprise making both first years squint at him. “Did he forget to mention the eggs needed incubating inside of you?”
“Was a little light on the details, yeah,” Ace muttered, downcast. Even his anemone drooped. “I can’t go to class like this, god.”
“Skipping classes would hardly improve your situation and would definitely attract Riddle’s attention,” Cater reminded. He turned to go, waving for Ace and Deuce to follow. “Come on, kiddos, senpai is here to help.”
The trip to Cater’s room was subdued without Ace and Deuce’s usual banter. Once there, Cater yanked open his wardrobe and started digging to the back, eventually pulling out an oversized sweater in checkered black and hot pink. Before Ace could argue, Cater jammed the sweater over Ace’s head; it was certainly loose enough to hide the egg bump, coming halfway down Ace’s thighs.
“Perfect!” Cater announced. “Oversize sweaters were all the rage when I was a first year, plus it matches your anemone. Gotta coordinate your palette, y’know?” Cater whipped out his phone.
“Don’t!” Ace protested, but it was too late. Picture snapped, Cater diddled with a few filters, thumbs busy.
“#ThrowbackThursday, #VintageThreads, #Anemomeme, sparkle heart sparkle chess piece aaaand posted!” Cater brandished his phone proudly, hand on his hip. “Say ‘thank you, senpai.’”
“Thank you, senpai,” Ace and Deuce echoed dubiously.
“Oh, and you’re gonna want a hot water bottle, truuuust me,” Cater said. “Lemme go ask Trey, he’s got one.”
“How do you so much about it?” Ace asked, frowning.
Cater laughed. “You think you’re the first idiot Azul tricked into bending over his desk? I traded my egg-ginity to get #VaCayAllDay trending for a week, and it was totally worth it. Here’s a bonus tip: getting them out is just as much fun as it was putting them in, if you have the right kind of help.” Cater slapped both of them on the back and strolled out of the room to find Trey.
Dazed, Ace dropped to sit in Cater’s desk chair, rubbing his belly absently. Deuce stayed standing right where he was, frowning fiercely.
“What’s your problem?” Ace asked, annoyed. “You aren’t the one playing Easter basket for a week!”
“If…” Deuce lifted his eyes from the ground, baffled and plaintive. “If chicks don’t come from eggs, what does?”