Kingdom Hearts, Birthday Surprise

Title: Birthday Surprise [Sora/Riku]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Summary: Yakuza boss’s son Riku gets a private lapdance from the best girl in the club; surprise, Sora isn’t a girl.
AN: Written for Shiritori.

Birthday Surprise

“A guy?” Riku asked, dumbfounded.

“Uh-huh.” He set the wig down on the red velvet seat beside him; underneath his hair was the same cute brown, spiking up now that it had been freed. “I tried to explain, but your boys were very insistent that only the best girl would do for the boss’s son’s birthday surprise.” He held up his hands to frame his face and winked. “Surprise~.”

“You’re very…convincing,” Riku said, mouth on autopilot. The choker with the rhinestone snowflake covering his Adam’s apple, the cute swell of his butt, his clear complexion and bright blue eyes…”Wait, you know who I am?”

He laughed, and that was enticing too, the sound sweet, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. “All of us know who you boys are; we’re pretty, not dumb.” He tilted his head. “Anyway, it seemed a shame to lie to you on your birthday. But fair’s fair, and I already took your underlings’ money, so I’ll send in a pinch hitter if you tell me what your type of girl is.”

“It’s not,” Riku cleared his throat. “I mean, I don’t…”

“You don’t have a type?” He leaned in a little closer; his perfume was like island vanilla, sweet, rich. Riku shook his head no. “You mean your type isn’t girls. I wasn’t expecting that from the boss’s son, that’s for sure.”

Riku locked his face in the icy, blank expression that gave him his coldblooded reputation. “I’m leaving.”

“You should stay. It’s such a funny coincidence, isn’t it?” He was in Riku’s lap before Riku understood what was happening, knees on either side of Riku’s thighs. He was pleasantly heavy, and up close had the faintest, cutest freckles across his nose and shoulders. “I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine, hm? You can’t make a birthday wish if you don’t blow out a candle.”

“What on earth makes you think I’d trust you with something like that…” Riku frowned. “What’s your name?”

“Sora,” he answered, undoing the top button of Riku’s shirt. Riku caught his wrist, but Sora only chuckled low in his throat.

“Is that your stage name or your name?” Riku asked.

“Gosh, you’re cute.” Sora leaned in closer, his mouth hovering just above Riku’s, until all Riku could see was the blue of his eyes. “Stay and find out.”

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Mousapelli is primarily a multi-fannish fanfiction author. She has written in many, many fandoms ranging from anime to shounen to movies to video games. She can be found on Archive of Our Own and most social media as Mousapelli.
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