Hey! Say! JUMP, Wants and Needs

Title: Wants and Needs [Chinen/Yabu]
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Summary: The mirror makes them look ridiculous together, Chinen always grumbles, but Yabu doesn’t care about that.
AN: There’s been some Chinen/Yabu on my dash lately and awwww oldest/youngest, yes. Written for Shiritori.

Wants and Needs

The mirror makes them look ridiculous together, Chinen always grumbles, but Yabu doesn’t care about that.

“Easier to see over top of you,” he says, leaning in to fix his hair, and Chinen uses their reflection to scowl at him from the chair he’s sitting in. Yabu only chortles at his own joke and lets go of his own hair to tug at Chinen’s instead. Chinen’s scowl melts into narrow-eyed acceptance when Yabu starts to actually fix his hat-flattened mess from that morning. He uses those long fingers to comb through the tangles, and now Chinen can’t stop looking at them in the mirror.

He wishes Yabu would touch him other places with those long fingers, all the places, but it’s never going to happen, so Chinen swallows a sigh and just grunts a thanks when Yabu gives him a last pat to the head and strolls off to break up Hikaru and Daiki’s rap battle, which has turned a little too physical for everyone’s comfort.

Sometimes Yabu does stuff like that, pays attention to just Chinen in a way that makes Chinen want things, but it never lasts long. Too many children for Yabu-mama, in their unit, and even now that they’re all grown up five years more, it’s hardly any better. Chinen actually thinks Yuto and Inoo have gotten worse, in terms of how much adult management they need, while Keito has developed a surprisingly needy streak recently, wanting reassurance about singing and dancing and a bunch of other stuff that Chinen has no idea why he’s going to Yabu about it, of all people.

Yamada has that same needy streak; it’s just not surprising.

Hikaru bugs Yabu about song-writing and best friend time, Daiki loses pieces of his costume practically every rehearsal, and Yuto and Takaki team up to pout at Yabu about how he never takes them out for food like a good senpai.

“I’m not treating any kouhai who are taller than me!” Yabu hollers at them, even as he’s grinning. “Go bug Tama-kun or Jesse-kun or something!” They whine and shove at Yabu, and he shoves them back, and it’s totally obvious that after work they will go for food together, and undoubtedly Yabu will pick up the check, kouhai or not.

Chinen could get Yabu’s attention if he really wanted to. He could stroll over there and make a big fuss and demand Yabu treat him or listen to him or look at only him. But he doesn’t want to do it like that, doesn’t want it to be like that. He wants Yabu to want to pay attention to him. He wants to be special.

It’s so dumb and childish, that every time Chinen catches himself thinking that he scowls at himself fiercely in the nearest reflective surface. Bad enough he looks like a little kid and always will, he doesn’t have to act like one too.

“Want to come out with us?” Yabu asks, startling Chinen out of his thoughts. He blinks at Yabu in confusion. “Out to eat, after work. Didn’t you hear Yuya and Yuto kicking up all that fuss? Anyway, come along, it’ll be fun.”

The “yes” is right there on the tip of his tongue, but then Chinen shakes his head. “I’m just going home,” he says. Somehow the idea of sharing Yabu irritates him just now. Maybe if he goes away and sulks about it properly, he’ll get it out of his system.

Yabu shrugs, and Chinen is pretty sure he imagines the second of disappointment on his face. “Let me know if you change your mind. Chii is always welcome.” Yabu swats at Chinen’s shoulder before one of the managers hollering his name makes him turn his head and head off in that direction.

“What’s your deal?” Yamada asks Chinen a little bit later, while they’re stretching. Chinen shrugs, used to Yamada starting a conversation right in the middle. “You and Yabucchi.”

“Nothing,” Chinen says, stretching out in front, chest flat on the floor like it’s no big deal.

Yamada flicks the top of his head. “Please. You were staring at him like you were trying to control him with the power of your mind. Then he actually does come over, and you blow him off? Don’t act like that wasn’t what you wanted him to do.”

“I don’t want him to do anything,” Chinen insists, pushing himself back up, out of flicking range. He sticks his tongue out at Yamada, and Yamada makes a face back like a grade schooler.

“Want him to do you, is what you want.” Yamada smirks when Chinen’s eyes narrow dangerously. His voice goes high and squeaky. “Ooooh, Kou-chan, take me out to dinner alooooone~. Sweep me up into those big, strong arms and—”

Chinen launches himself at Yamada and knocks him on his back. They scuffle for a couple minutes, Yamada playing good-naturedly until Chinen gets a little too serious with his nails.

“Oi!” Yamada gives Chinen’s shoulders a shove rough enough to knock him off, onto his back. “Don’t take it out on me. Go ask Yabucchi if he’ll let you rough him up, I bet he’ll say yes and everything.”

“That’s not what I want,” Chinen snaps, frustrated enough that more of the truth comes out of his mouth than he usually lets go.

“Mmhmm.” Yamada’s face appears over top of Chinen, smirking. “If you told him what you did want, he might say yes to that too.”

If Chinen knew what he wanted, maybe that would even work.

Yamada must have tattled on him to Takaki, that brat, because Chinen barely has his coat on before Takaki seizes him by the shoulders and steers him over to where Yabu and Yuto are waiting. Yabu raises an eyebrow at Chinen.

“Changed his mind, says he could eat a horse,” Takaki says breezily. As soon as the other two turn to go, Chinen reaches down to pinch Takaki’s thigh, but Takaki’s grip on his shoulders only gets tighter, propelling him along like an outboard motor with a silly bleach job.

The izakaya is busy, but the owner waves them in and finds them a booth in the back corner. Takaki tries to shove Chinen into the booth on the same side as Yabu, but Chinen kicks him in the ankle, Takaki’s meddling making his hackles rise. There’s a second of scuffling, but by the time Yabu looks up to see what they’re doing, Chinen has ducked under Takaki’s arm and into the other side of the booth. Rolling his eyes, Takaki slides in after him.

“Oops,” he says casually as he squashes Chinen against the wall. “Sorry, didn’t see you down there.”

“Fatass,” Chinen growls at him, shoving back. Yabu reaches over the table to thwack Chinen’s head with the plastic menu.

“No weight jokes,” he reminds, then turns an eye to Takaki. “Or height jokes either, you know the rules.”

“Sorry, mother,” Takaki says, making penitent eyes at Yabu until Yuto laughs and Yabu says to knock it off. Chinen just hides behind his own menu, determined to sulk all the same even if they did drag him out against his will.

After a while even he relaxes, not one to be mad just for the sake of doing it. He hasn’t gotten to see Takaki much lately outside of work, and he’d forgotten how much fun eating out with Takaki is. They order way too much food, all four of them stealing bites of each other’s food, Yuto making the most ridiculous toasts every time they get their beers refilled.

“To Yabu’s guitar!” he calls, grinning slyly. “Long may he shake it, until his ass is worth shaking instead!”

“There is nothing wrong with my ass!” Yabu protests as Chinen and Takaki hoot and point at him. He shoves at Yuto. “Try looking in a mirror for something other than doggy-style with Keito, asshole.”

“Oooooooh!” Takaki and Chinen chorus like teenagers, and Yuto is laughing too hard to retort.

Eventually Yabu calls it a night, citing responsibility over their boos and groans, reminding them they all have work the next day and none of them look good enough hungover to get away with it like Yamada. Takaki and Yuto stumble outside into the cold after Yabu brushes off their half-hearted offer to help pay, but Chinen shuffles up behind Yabu to tug at his sleeve.

“Hm?” Yabu asks. He picks his arm up and settles it across Chinen’s shoulder, drawing in Chinen against his side. “What’s up? We didn’t get you too drunk, did we, newbie?”

Chinen shakes his head. “Take me home? With you, I mean.”

“Oh,” Yabu says, looking surprised. “Well, okay.”

They’re both quiet on the train ride home, and it’s cold enough that Chinen pressing close against Yabu’s side is easily explainable. He’s a little buzzed at first, but it fades quickly, leaving Chinen with a squirming stomach and no idea what he’s going to do when they actually get to his place.

Fortunately for him, Yabu takes charge. They’re no sooner inside than Yabu presses Chinen back against the wall and leans in for a kiss. Chinen is so surprised that he doesn’t kiss back, or even push up to his toes to make the height difference easier, and by the time he gets his bearings, Yabu is pulling back to look at him closely.

“Right?” he asks gently. “Do I have it wrong?”

Chinen shakes his head. “You’re not wrong.”

“Good.” Yabu smiles at him and reaches down to take Chinen’s hand before leading the way to his bedroom.

He stretches out on his bed, back pressed against his headboard, and the height difference isn’t worth much at all when Chinen crawls onto the bed beside him and throws a leg over Yabu’s hips to straddle him. Yabu’s hands settle on Chinen’s thighs like they belong there. He rubs his thumbs back and forth, the touch warm and soothing.

“You wanna tell me what’s up with you lately?” Yabu asks. “I keep catching you looking at me, when you think I can’t see.” He waits a few seconds, but Chinen stares at him evenly without answering. Something about it seems to amuse Yabu, since he chuckles. “You could just say when you want attention, you know. Everybody else does.”

“I don’t want to be like everybody else!” Chinen says vehemently. Yabu’s eyes widen a little, and Chinen drops his gaze to Yabu’s chest. “I mean…I don’t know what I mean. Figure it out, geez.”

Yabu squeezes Chinen’s thighs once, then lifts his hands to cup Chinen’s jaw instead, drawing him close enough for another kiss. This one is slower, attentive, Yabu’s lips moving slowly against Chinen’s like he’s trying to map their entire surface. All of his confusion and sulk drain away as Yabu keeps kissing him like that, until Chinen has forgotten everything except how Yabu’s mouth feels against his, Yabu’s long fingers against his cheeks.

“Oh,” he says softly when the kiss breaks. His heart feels like a low ache in his chest.

“That serious, huh?” Yabu asks, eyes sympathetic.

“I guess.” Chinen heaves the sigh he’s been holding in all day. “Sorry. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

“I want to, though.” Chinen’s breath catches at Yabu’s words. “I like it when you only look at me. When you flirt with Yuya or wrestle with Yama-chan, sometimes I want to shove them out of the way, you know?”

“I know the feeling, yeah,” Chinen says wryly. “Well…if it’s really okay…I have been thinking about your fingers an awful lot.”

“Is that so?” Yabu grins, and Chinen steals a kiss, leaning into Yabu’s chest so that they’re pressed tightly together. This kiss is messier, hotter, want making Chinen’s skin warm and his pants start to tighten. It’s even better after Yabu strips both of their shirts off and tosses them away, their skin sliding together from shoulder to belly.

“Yeah,” Chinen says to nothing in particular.

“My fingers, huh?” Yabu asks, drawing them down Chinen’s sides, the caress so light that Chinen squirms from it. He slides them back up the front of Chinen’s chest, thumbing at his nipples to make him gasp. “Nice.”

“Oh, shut up,” Chinen grumbles, even though he’s getting exactly what he wants. Or he will be in a second, after he flops to the side to kick his pants off. “Your pants off, too.”

“Yes, sir,” Yabu says. By the time Chinen is naked and ready to crawl back on top of Yabu, Yabu is holding up a tube of lube and looking Chinen over like he can’t even decide which parts to slick up.

“I knew you’d take care of me,” Chinen says in approval, making Yabu laugh. Yabu doesn’t fool around, which Chinen also appreciates, slicking his fingers and working his hand under Chinen to start working the first finger inside of him. Chinen grabs for Yabu’s shoulders to brace himself, rocking his hips a little already. “Aaaaah.”

Yabu’s fingers are every bit as nice as advertised, reaching places Chinen never can on his own, and even though Chinen knows he ought to tell Yabu to get on with it before he comes all over himself, it feels so good he can’t bring himself to say anything but soft moans of approval. They’re just so long, and in this position it’s so easy for Chinen to shift until they’re exactly where he wants them.

“Please tell me you’re ready,” Yabu finally says, voice sounding strained, and Chinen reluctantly says that he is. Yabu pulls his fingers free, making Chinen whine, and then whine some more as he takes a minute to tear open a condom and roll it onto himself. “Shush, you’re so impatient. You’re the one who waited so long to say what you wanted.”

“Want you,” Chinen insists, digging his fingers into Yabu’s shoulders until Yabu hisses. “Hurry up, I want you.”

Yabu doesn’t make him wait any longer, using one hand to hold himself up while Chinen sinks down onto his cock, the other hand on Chinen’s hip, thumb rubbing at his hip bone. Chinen shivers, dropping down faster than he ought to, but it feels so good with Yabu hard inside him, long like his fingers, like all of him. It’s almost too much, almost, but instead it’s perfect, even better when Yabu puts both hands on Chinen’s ass to help urge him back up a little, and then down.

“All those times you crawled into my lap,” Yabu murmurs.

“Shut up about that,” Chinen tells him. “Hurry up and make me bounce.”

Honestly he can do it well enough on his own, thighs more than strong enough to push himself up and ease back down, but it feels so good when Yabu gets into it too. Yabu thrusts up when Chinen is coming back down, using his grip on Chinen’s ass to bottom him out with a slap of skin on skin. Even better is how Yabu’s eyes are glued only to him, and Chinen fights to keep his eyes open even when they want to squeeze shut with pleasure, not wanting to miss a second of looking down at Yabu underneath him.

“Not yet,” he breathes when Yabu lets go with one hand to wrap it around his cock instead, stroking him in rhythm with his thrusts. “Don’t, wanna keep going.”

“M’not gonna last,” Yabu confesses, hand tight around Chinen’s cock, goddamn those fingers. He looks gorgeous with his hair sticking to his face in sweaty strands, his cheeks flushed, his eyes dark when they look up at Chinen. “Don’t you wanna come with me inside?”

“Mmm,” Chinen groans with indecision, struggling not to give in even though he’s shaking with how close he is.

“Come on,” Yabu urges, fucking him just that much harder, thumbing at his tip. “Come on come on come on.”

Chinen does, back arching and biting down on his lower lip to keep from yelling, pulsing hot over Yabu’s fingers and stomach, the sharp tingle of his orgasm spreading over his nerves from head to toes, leaving him gasping in its wake.

“You are fucking amazing,” Yabu praises, voice tight and full of wonder, and Chinen can only grin stupidly, feeling fuzzy all over. “You’re—” Yabu cuts off as he comes too, pressing his forehead against Chinen’s shoulder and groaning his name softly.

In no hurry to move, Chinen hums happily as Yabu wraps arms around his waist and hugs him. One of his hands drifts up to Yabu’s hair, combing through the strands, making Yabu sigh.

“I’m what?” Chinen asks. “What were you going to say?”

“Impossible,” Yabu murmurs against Chinen’s chest. “Spoiled.” Yabu lifts his chin to look up at Chinen, grinning lazily. “But you’re awfully nice to look at.”

Chinen grins, pleased to have Yabu’s full attention squarely on him. He can definitely work with that.

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Mousapelli is primarily a multi-fannish fanfiction author. She has written in many, many fandoms ranging from anime to shounen to movies to video games. She can be found on Archive of Our Own and most social media as Mousapelli.
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