Title: Man’s Best Friend
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Tamamori/Miyasaurus Rex
Author’s Notes: I can’t remember who wrote about the Miyasaurus during one of the AU weeks, but whoever it is, ILU. Also I need DJ to draw me one of them. SO CUTE.
Man’s Best Friend
“I don’t knoooow,” Tamamori protests his father’s questions. “I came home from school like usual! It followed me!”
“Like usual?” Tamamori-san folds his arms. “You didn’t cut through the prehistoric park?”
Tamamori looks at his shoes. “Maybe.” The Miyasaurus grins up at him, pleased as punch sitting next to Tamamori.
Tamamori’s mother’s squeal makes them jump; then she’s kneeling on the floor, scratching the Miyasaurus’s spikes, making him whistle. “Ooh, he’s darling!”
“Well, I hope you’re happy,” Tamamori’s father grumbles. “Now we’re stuck with it.”
Tamamori is not impressed when the Miyasaurus makes itself right at home on his bed.