Title: Photo Finish
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Tamamori, Miyata, Tamamori-san
Author’s Notes: I hope that Tamamama has no idea that there’s a significant of fanfiction written about her. Or maybe I kind of hope she does know because Kitayama told her and now she torments Tamamori about it a lot.
Drunk Tamamori isn’t terribly different from regular Tamamori.
“Ow, door-san! You hurt my nose!â€
Pressed against Tamamori’s back, and also drunk, Miyata giggles. Tamamori starts to giggle, and then shushes Miyata, because they’re trying to get inside without waking anybody up.
They shove the door open, trip over the genkan, and collapse in a heap on the floor. Miyata grunts, “Good enough.â€
The lights flip on, blinding them, and when Miyata blinks the glare out of his eyes, Tamamori-san is standing in front of them, pointing her cell at them.
“Ah, phone-san,†she smiles, “that one’s going straight to Grandma.â€