Kis-My-Ft2, Brand New Season

Title: Brand New Season
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, Yokoo, Nikaido
Author’s Notes: I figure really, this is just as plausible. I feel the last line is the most AU part, lol.

Brand New Season

“It’s bullshit,” Fujigaya blusters, but he’s been doing that since mid-summer, so everyone ignores him.

Except Nikaido, obviously. “Shut up, already! Whining won’t help!”

“Says the one who sobbed like a toddler,” Fujigaya sniffs. “Why should they get their own concerts?!”

“Because they worked just as hard last summer, and we are busy with PLAYZONE.” Yokoo cows Fujigaya with a look. “Besides, if we’re on tour, who’ll do all Tackey’s junk?”

Three months later, the answer to that question is “Mis Snow Man,” and a very sulky Fujigaya has plenty of time on his hands to see A.B.C.-Z’s solo tour.

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